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新研究:肉桂能够给猪胃降温 改善猪只健康

放大字体  缩小字体🕓2016-11-08  来源:🔗猪OK网  💛2523


AUSTRALIA - New research has found that cinnamon can help cool the stomachs of pigs as well as contributing to a general improvement in overall health.


Project leader Distinguished Professor Kourosh Kalantar-zadeh, from RMIT University's School of Engineering in Melbourne, Australia, said the results of the study, which used pigs, seemed to show that cinnamon maintained the integrity of the stomach wall.

来自澳大利亚墨尔本皇家理工大学工程学院的特聘教授兼项目负责人Kourosh Kalantar-zadeh说,针对猪的这项研究表明,肉桂似乎可保持胃壁的完整性。

When pigs feed at room temperature, carbon dioxide (CO2) gas increases in their stomach.Cinnamon in their food reduces this gas by decreasing the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin from the stomach walls, which in turn cools the pigs' stomachs during digestion.When the pigs are hot, they hyperventilate, which reduces CO2 production. With cinnamon treatment, CO2 decreases even further.This not only cools the pigs but leads to a significant improvement in their overall health.


Fellow researcher Dr Jian Zhen Ou said: "Altogether cinnamon cooled the stomach by up to 2°C.No wonder cinnamon is so popular in warm regions as taking it makes people feel better and gives them a feeling of cooling down.

团队中的研究员Jian Zhen Ou博士说:“肉桂可使猪胃降温2℃。服用它可以带来降温的感觉,使人感觉更好,难怪在温暖地区肉桂收到人们的欢迎。”


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关键词: 饲料 降温 喂猪
