编者的话Editor's Note
Optimal Mating Strategy
The gilt is mated in her second heat, with a minimumof 7.5 months of age.
Gilts should be flflushed 7-14 days before anticipated mating.
When gilts are inseminated, they must have calm around them to show standing heat. The gilt isinseminated in a box or in small stable groups.
By insemination the gilts must have snout contact with the boar and the heat must be found with the5-point plan.
Gilts should be mated with an interval of 12 hours.
After mating or artifificial insemination the gilts must have peace.

Lack of control of the gilt pool can lead to mating of gilts before they reach the optimum age.
Traps In The Mating Strategy
By lack of gilts, one could be tempted to mate the gilts too young (>7.5 months).
If the age of the gilts is unknown, there is a risk that they are mated too young.
The older the gilts become, the weaker the heat signs.
The result degrades if it is not possible to flflush the gilts.
Restlessness during and after insemination gives poorer results.
No snout contact to the boar.
Lack of care with heat control and stimulation.
If the mating work starts with the weaned sows, the staffff doesn’t have the same enthusiasm forheat control with the gilts afterwards.
22.3补充说明: 配种方案 –后备母猪
Additional Comments: Mating Strategy – Gilts
The gilt is mated in the second heat, since total born piglets’ increases with one piglet. The gilt should still preferably be between 7.5 and 9 months of age by fifirst mating. There is no decrease in litter size if the gilt is fifirstly mated in the third heat. It is recommended that the fifirst mating occurs:
In the gilts second heat.
At the age of 7.5 to 9 months.
With a weight of 130-140 kg.
When the gilt is more than 9 months it must be mated in the fifirst observed heat.
Gilts that have received restricted feeding should be flflushed 7 to 14 days before mating (min. 3.5-4 FU per day) it offffers more loosened eggs. Remember to decrease the gilts feed after mating to 2.5-2.8 FU depending on the body condition.
Flushing gives the gilt a positive energy balance up to mating, which gives the best possible start for the animals’ reproduction. When the gilts fifirst heat is observed once, it is easy to flflush it at the right time.
Gilts that are inseminated in large groups get no rest to exercise standing heat, because in the group are gilts that are mated and gilts in various stages of the cycle. The recommendations are that the gilt should be inseminated in a box or in small stable groups where there is a stable hierarchy. The key is to create most calm during insemination. One possibility might be to isolate the gilts in the hallway in front of the boar.
The gilts should be able to see, smell, hear and be allowed snout contact with the boar when they arebeing inseminated. It helps stimulating the sow and increases the oxytocin secretion. A good 5 point plan means that there will be no doubt about whether the gilt is in heat or not.
Since the gilts heat is shorter than the sows, it is advantageous to inseminate the gilt with 12-hourinterval. If it takes 24 hours in between, there will be more gilt, which can only be inseminated once. If it is not possible to obtain 12 hours between inseminations, it will be a solution to inseminate thegilts fifirst thing in the morning and the last thing before going home in the afternoon. The gilts shouldbe inseminated until they no longer exhibit shows standing heat. If there is no semen available or the gilt is hard to get in standing heat, it may be advantageous to let the boar mate her.
It is shown that peace after insemination has a positive effffect in young sows. It is reasonable toassume that the effffect also will be positive for gilts. Best practice is to place the gilts in a box up to 2 hours after mating. By natural mating the sow or gilt is allowed to stay with the boar in the 2 hours.