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放大字体  缩小字体🕓2021-09-27  来源:🔗养猪职业经理人  💛3525
核心提示:Pedigree examples of breeding animals 种猪系谱示例We are making middle and final test ofthe local producedbreedinganimal

Pedigree examples of breeding animals 种猪系谱示例

We are making middle and final test ofthe local producedbreedinganimals. All data is send back to Genesus database , which judge the value ofthe animal.本地生产的种猪我们会进行中期和后期两次测定。所有数据会发送到加裕数据库用于评估种猪性能

Every week we get a Mating list fromGenesus, with the priority of boars to use. 每周的配种计划由加裕提供,注明优先选配的公猪


Equipment to stimulate the gilt and sowsduring insemination. 用于人工授精时刺激母猪的设备

All gilts is pre-trained to use ESFsystem, from 65-120 kg. That makes is much easier to bring them in the groupslater on. 所有的后备猪在65公斤到120公斤期间都要进行使用电子饲喂系统的预训练。

The gilt and sows are in free-stall pensfrom 3-4 days after mating, until 5 days before farrowning. Genesus animals aremore calm and curious , which make them use of ESF easier 所有母猪在配种后3-4天到生产前5天都会待在电子饲喂栏内。加裕种猪性情更平静,更有好奇心, 这使得它们更容易学会使用电子饲喂系统。

5 days before farrowning, the sows aremoved in the stable. It is with automatic feeding system, start with 3 timesper day, and 9 times per day the last week before weaning. We use a bag as antistress before andafter farrowning, due the natural nest-building instinct. 预计分娩日前5天,母猪转入产房。产床配备自动饲喂系统,饲喂次数从最初的每天三次增加到断奶前一周的每天九次。产前和产后我们会使用一个麻袋来缓解母猪的压力,以适应母猪产前衔草搭窝的天性。

Genesus piglet have a high birthweight,and are pretty equal in size, even with 23 live born. We let all piglets stayat the sow at least 12 hours after birth, and make split milking several timesduring that period. After minimum 12 hours, we move the biggest pigs to othersows or foster sows. Weleave 13-15 at the sow. After 2-3 days we collect the skinny one for at nurserysow. 加裕小猪活仔数高达23只,出生重高,大小均匀。产后我们确保小猪和母猪在一起待满12小时,并在这个时间段分批次确保每头小猪都吃到母乳。最少12小时后我们把最大的小猪转到其他母猪或者代乳母猪那里,仅保留13-15头和生产母猪一起。2-3天后我们把较瘦弱的小猪收集起来送到保育母猪那里。

Piglets from Duroc sows, weigh around 1,7kg at birth and are pretty active from the start. 杜洛克小猪,出生重量约1.7公斤,出生即表现出很强的活力。

After birth, equaliz andcastration we prefer not to move more piglets around, just make sure the sow isin good condition.生产后,我们更希望减少小猪在调栏和阉割时的移动,只需要确保母猪状态良好即可。

19 days old piglets, 12 LL and a singleDD. 出生19天的小猪。12头长白,1头杜洛克

A screenshot of the farrowning list forweek 34, even one DD got 16 live born. 今年第34周产房数据截图,一头杜洛克产活仔16头。

Data collected from the first 8 month, wethink there is still space to improve, look forward to 3rd. And 4th.Litter sows’ performance.


Some data collected from farrowningstable, can still be improved. 产房的一些数据,仍可以提高。

Weaning piglets one week after weaning. 断奶一周后饲养在保育栏的小猪

Weaning pigs nearly 8 weeks afterweaning.断奶八周后的小猪(82日龄)

Data collected from 6 month.过去的六个月的数据


Examples of feed formulation 饲料配方示例

Data provided by Genesus from farms,outside China, it should be possible to reach higher level than we have rightnow


The measurement that Genesus make, partof that we also do. 加裕测定项目,一部分项目我们也在测定


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