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为了消灭引发疾病的病原体 加拿大研究人员给出高温处理参数

放大字体  缩小字体🕓2017-06-05  来源:🔗互联网  💛2476

CANADA - A Professor with the University of Saskatchewan says research conducted by VIDO-InterVac has given engineers the parameters necessary to apply the use of heat to the decontamination of swine transport vehicles to improve transport biosecurity, Bruce Cochrane reports.A team of engineers and scientists, working on behalf of Swine Innovation Porc, is developing an automated system to speed up and reduce the cost of disinfecting swine transport trailers to reduce the transfer of disease causing pathogens.Dr Terry Fonstad, a Professor in the College of Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan, notes researchers with VIDO-Intervac have demonstrated that heat is extremely effective in destroying pathogens.

布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,据加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学的一名教授称,疫苗与传染病组织-国际疫苗中心(VIDO-InterVac)已经给出工程师们在对生猪运输车辆进行消毒时,使用的加热处理应用参数,以此提高运输生物安全性。由科学家和工程师们组成的一支研究团队,同时也代表着养猪创新项目组织,他们正在研发一种自动化系统,以此提高生猪运输拖车消毒速率,并削减消毒成本,最终消灭传播疾病的病原体。萨斯喀彻温大学的工程学院教授Terry Fonstad博士指出,疫苗与传染病组织-国际疫苗中心的研究人员已经证明了,热处理对消灭病原体有着极高的效率。


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