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美国重新定位猪肉营销策略 吸引不断变化的消费者

放大字体  缩小字体🕓2017-06-15  来源:🔗互联网  💛2137
核心提示:US - With the consumer market for pork and other protein sources changing rapidly, the Pork Checkoff is putting the fini

US - With the consumer market for pork and other protein sources changing rapidly, the Pork Checkoff is putting the finishing touches on a plan to capitalize on those changes by repositioning pork marketing, Terry O’Neel, president of the National Pork Board, told an audience at World Pork Expo last week (Thursday, 8 June).“The Pork Checkoff has embarked on a journey to determine how best to market pork today,” Mr O'Neel, a pork producer from Friend, Nebraska, said. “The direction may be drastically different than we’ve seen in the last quarter century.”

美国国家猪肉委员会主席Terry O’Neel在上周(6月8日,周四)的世界猪肉博览会上向一批听众们透露,随着猪肉的消费者市场以及其他蛋白质来源的迅速改变,美国猪肉基金将会把最后的收尾工作放在一项营销计划上,即通过重新定位猪肉营销,利用那些正在变化的因素,更好的促进猪肉贸易。O'Neel先生来自内布拉斯加州一个叫弗伦德的小镇,在那儿从事生猪养殖工作,他说:“猪肉基金会已经在开启日程,决定哪些才是对目前猪肉市场最好的策略,即将作出的决定可能会与我们在半个世纪之前看到的策略大有不同。”


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