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放大字体  缩小字体🕓2017-07-06  来源:🔗互联网  💛2356
核心提示:EU - Yet another week passes by and the European slaughter pig market appears to be overall balanced. The majority of qu

EU - Yet another week passes by and the European slaughter pig market appears to be overall balanced. The majority of quotations continue to remain constant.Reports of unchanged prices have been reported from Germany as well as from Denmark, Belgium, France, Austria, and Great Britain. The other countries have also managed to hold quantities of live animals on offer on a quiet meat market. Both domestic markets and export businesses remain mostly stagnant, thereby causing a steady situation. Southern Europe is still benefiting from the holiday-makers’ appetite for meat. At the same time, the weather continues to be very hot down South, which explains why fattening pigs are slower in growth. As a result, the Spanish quotation has been able to still increase slightly.



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关键词: 欧盟猪价 平衡