If we don’t take actions, 300 million people will die from antimicrobial resistance by 2050
Do you remember the topic of "the antibiotics can cause obesity in the children" two years ago? The Fudan University School of Public Health made a research and the result showed that one or more of 21 antibiotics existed in the urine of 586 schoolchildren aged 8-11 years in Shanghai.
In 2015, the research group led by Dr. Ying Guangguo released China's first list of antibiotic use and emissions. The results showed that in 2013, the total amount of antibiotics used in China was approximately 162,000 tons, accounting for half of the world's usage amount, 52% of which were veterinary antibiotics.
其实,抗生素耐药性的问题,不仅在中国,在全球都是一个十分严重的问题,在5月30日中欧饲用抗生素替代品高层研讨会上,中国饲料行业信息网若南有幸采访到PA国际基金会秘书长Rio D. Praaning Prawira Adiningrat先生,就抗生素耐药性的问题作了详细的采访。
In fact, the problem of antimicrobial resistance is a serious problem not only in China but also globally. During the Quality and Safety of Animal Products · China-EU High Level Seminar on Alternatives to In-feed Antibiotics Studies on 30 May, reporter Ruo Nan from the Feedtrade.com had a chance to interview Mr. Rio D. Praaning Prawira Adiningrat, Secretary General of the PA International Foundation in detail on antimicrobial resistance related issues.

PA国际基金会秘书长Rio D. Praaning Prawira Adiningrat先生
Rio D. Praaning Prawira Adiningrat, Secretary General of the PA International Foundation
在中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所的专家张军民教授和陈继兰教授进行发言,欧盟委员会卫生与食品安全总司司长Vytenis Andriukaitis博士进行发言,PA协办的一次欧洲议会的会议上,参会者有来自欧洲各国的议员、专家、学者等,有一名来自英国斯托克的清洁工Susan Fallon女士作为开幕式代表进行了开幕致辞。她十七岁的儿女Samantha因为感染了耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌,但是由于她身体的抗生素耐药性,使得病情恶化很快并且最终导致器官衰竭而死亡。Susan Fallon用自己的亲身经历告诉我们,必须要避免由于抗生素耐药性引发的生命的损失。
Mr. Rio first talked about a heartbreaking example about antimicrobial resistance:
During an European Parliament Conference addressed by IAS experts, Prof. Zhang Junmin and Prof. Chen Jilan, and by European Commissioner Dr Vytenis Andriukaitis, in association with PA – the participants were members of the European Parliament, experts and scholars from all European countries – Ms Susan Fallon, a cleaner from Stoke, the United Kingdom, delivered the opening address. She was a representative at the opening ceremony. Her 17-year-old daughter, Samantha, was infected with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Due to her body's antimicrobial resistance, the condition deteriorated rapidly and eventually led to her organ failure and death. Susan Fallon told us with her own experience that we must avoid the loss of life due to the antimicrobial resistance.
抗生素耐药性,英文是Antimicrobial Resistance(简称AMR),指原来对某抗生素敏感的生物(尤为病原微生物),经突变后,变成对其高度耐受的特性。我们都了解SARS、埃博拉病毒对我们人类造成的巨大伤害,但是却不知道如今AMR对我们造成的影响将超过癌症。Rio先生用下面几个数据告诉了我们AMR的严重性:
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), refers to the characteristics that the original antibiotic-sensitive organisms (especially pathogenic microorganisms), after mutation, become highly resistant to the antibiotics. We all know that the SARS and Ebola viruses caused great harm to humans. But we do not know that the impact of AMR on us will even exceed the impact of cancer. Mr. Rio used the following data telling us the seriousness of AMR:
1、 如果禁止使用促生长抗生素,预计肉食品行业会损失1350万-4410万美元的经济损失。
2、 关于GDP:到2030年,由于AMR造成GDP的损失预计有1.0-3.4万亿美元,到2050年,这个数字会达到40-120万亿美元。
3、 有专家表示,2010年全球抗生素在农业上的使用量大约是65000吨,到2030年,这个数字将达到20万吨,因此20年间预计增长217%。
4、 在美国和欧洲,75%的抗生素是用在畜牧业。
5、 90%的水产品来自于发展中国家,在水产业中抗生素的使用时非常严重的,研究发现20%的细菌存在于海水中,而且至少对5种抗生素可以产生耐药性;90%的细菌来源于海水并且对一种或多种抗生素产生耐药性。
6、 我们知道埃博拉病毒造成了全球12000人的死亡,但是我们却不知道每年由于抗生素耐药性造成欧洲约50000人的死亡!
7、 AMR是一个全球性的问题,严重程度将远超癌症,如果我们不迅速减少畜牧业和人用抗生素的使用,每年将有一千万人死于抗生素耐药性,到2050年将有3亿人累计死于抗生素耐药性,即每3秒就有一个人死于AMR。
1. If forbidden to use growth-promoting antibiotics, it is expected that the meat industry will face 13.5-44.1 million USD economic losses.
2. about GDP: By 2030, the loss of GDP caused by AMR is expected to be 1.0-3.4 trillion USD. By 2050, this figure will reach 40-120 trillion USD.
3. Experts state that the global use of antibiotics in agriculture in 2010 was about 65,000 tons. By 2030, this figure will reach 200,000 tons, thus an expected increase with 217% in 20 years.
4. In the United States and Europe, 75% of antibiotics are used in animal husbandry.
5. 90% of aquatic products come from developing countries. The use of antibiotics in aquaculture is very serious. A research found that 20% of the bacteria exist in the seawater and these bacteria are resistant to at least 5 antibiotics; 90% of the bacteria from seawater are resistant to one or more antibiotics.
6. We know that the Ebola virus has caused 12,000 deaths worldwide, but we do not know that possibly around 50,000 people die in Europe due to antimicrobial resistance every year!
7. AMR is a global problem that will become more serious than cancer. If we do not radically reduce the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry and in human health, 10 million people will die of AMR each year. By 2050, about 300 million people will have died of antimicrobial resistance, which means one person will die of AMR every 3 seconds.
1、 提升公众的认知水平,加强宣传教育
2、 确保信息的透明度,了解事情进展和数据真实性
3、 直接给养殖户抗生素的替代方案
4、 帮助养殖户提高管理水平,改善养殖环境
5、 在产品标签上明确产品的功效
6、 考虑对抗生素的使用征税,从而对抗生素替代品的使用进行补贴
7、 停止抗生素互联网销售以及作为非处方药销售,否则将面临短短5-7年内所有抗生素将失去效力。这将是后抗生素时代的开始,人类将死于任何感染,手术将不再可行。
Mr. Rio also summarized some of the most effective measures and actions taken by countries to respond to antimicrobial resistance problems:
1. Raise public awareness and strengthen publicity and education
2. Ensure the transparency of information, and understand the progress of events and data authenticity
3. Provide alternative solutions to antibiotics for the farmers
4. Help farmers to improve their management level and improve the breeding environment
5. Clarify the efficacy of the product on the product label
6. Consider taxing the use of antibiotics and in so doing subsidise the use of alternatives to antibiotics
7. Stop providing antibiotics through the internet and over-the-counter, or face that within a mere 5-7 years all antibiotics will lose their efficacy – the start of the post-antibiotics era where people will die of any infection and medical operations will no longer be possible.

The photo of Mr. Rio D. Praaning Prawira Adiningrat, Secretary General of the PA International Foundation and Ruo Nan from the Feedtrade.com
PA国际基金会(Public Advice International Foundation)的任务是协助政府和国内外机构和企业分析和解决发展过程中出现的跨国和跨文化问题,同时增加公众对新技术的了解,推动改善公关健康、经济社会可持续发展和企业社会责任。在2013年首次启动了关于抗生素耐药性的调查,调查涵盖150名顶尖专家、政府官员和科研机构,明确了有效应对快速发展的抗生素耐药问题的紧迫性。从那时起,PA国际基金会每日持续追踪全球抗生素耐药问题最新进展,协助举办亚洲、欧洲、北美以及拉丁美洲的多个国家和地区应对抗生素耐药性问题的会议或对其做出贡献。
The task of the Public Advice International Foundation is to assist Governments and international or national institutions and enterprises in identifying and developing new approaches to trans-boundary and trans-cultural problems; and to bridge gaps of public information regarding new technologies and in particular new ways to promote public health, sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. In 2013, PA International Foundation conducted a first Global Elite Poll on AMR among 150 top experts, government officials and research institutions to identify the urgency of effectively addressing the rapidly growing AMR problem. Ever since, the PA International Foundation has been monitoring global AMR related news on a daily basis while assisting at or contributing to AMR related conferences throughout Asia, Europe, the USA and Latin America.